Naomi's TNT blog

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Worst run to date...

Yesterday was that run!!! I don't know why, I tried to go early so it wouldn't be so bad, but I guess it was just me. I was to do a 2 mile warm-up with a 10K(6.2mile) "time trail" then a 2 mile cool-down. I did the "warm-up" fine, then started my 10K it sucked from the beginning, I don't know what my deal was. It was just horrible I ran slower during my what was supposed to be a time trail, then I did my warm-up. I was very discouraged after my 6.2 miles, walked back over a mile and then went home. And didn't run the rest of the day I was really planning on doing the 2 left over but went to Harrisburg with my friend. It was good to see her and spend time with her. So blet! I am very disappointed in myself. Today, my hips have been hurting and they haven't since I first moved back here and started running. So I guess I will be making a trip to GNC tonight, to figure something out. So the horrible run was like this: I am so embarrassed!!! "Training" run # 20: First 2 miles 17:31. 10K 59:32. That is so horrible! I can't believe I am sharing with information!!

On Thursday I did my 3 miles for "training" run # 19: 24:28 with an average pace of 8:05/mile. I am going to look up some new and different places to run. I am really burnt out on the Christiana/Atglen area!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Messing things all up...

I have been all messed up because on Sunday I didn't run until nearly 9pm. So I didn't run yesterday until the evening also. I had to run only 2 miles so it was no big deal. So "training" run #17 : 14:43 with an average pace of 7:17/mi. So that messed me all up for running today plus I didn't wake up until late because I had a late night. So hopefully on Thursday things will all be back on track! My run today was supposed to be 6 miles with 5x2min. RPE of 3-6. But, I just ran 6 miles out right. So I really need to start working on these "speed" workouts! Todays run was pretty sad and extremely humid, "training" run # 18: 52:30, avg. 8:44/mi. So I really need to start working harder and get my butt in gear!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Quick 2 miles and my longest run yet...

That was all I had to run on Thursday to prepare for my 12 miles on Friday. I ran my "training" run # 15 in 14:36, with an average pace of 7:16, I wish I would have ran it fast but oh well!

On Friday was the 12 mile run, the furthest I have ever run, I wasn't really worried about it. But man it was sucking. I didn't start running until sometime after 10:30 so that was my first mistake. I ran near Jennersville again this Friday, I really need to keep finding new places to run around here. So "training" run # 16: 1:50:51, with an average pace of 9:13. The slowest pace ever but I guess that is expected!

Next weeks training schedule doesn't seem too bad but I start running 5 days a week, it was only 4 with 3 rest/cross training days. So we will see how that goes, I am sure I will be fine. I haven't been doing any cross training though. So I guess I shall get on top of that.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Losing things and running.

So on Monday night I went down to Alexandria to visit an old friend. We went out to a bar, where I accidentally kicked the bottom of a guys shoe pulling my toe nail up then like 10 minutes later my friend stepped
on it.
Causing this to happen...

I know it is so ugly! So I have no toenail! I had to run Tuesday morning, so we went to the Mount Vernon Trail along the Potomac! That was awesome! I wish I could run there all the time. I always like running at new and different places. New things to look at. Plus not having to worry about cars was nice! It was hot though but I still ran at a good pace. And surprisingly my toe nail, well lack there of has not bothered me at all! "Training" run # 14: 5 miles @ 41:34 with an average pace of 8:16/mi. On my favorite holiday, July 4th!!!!

Run #13, 5 miles.

On Sunday I had to run before going to work from 11-9 which was no fun at all! "Training" run #13: 5 miles @ 40:25 with an average pace of 8:03/mi. That is a good pace for a 5 mile run. I am satisfied with my training so far. It is going really well!!!