Happy Birthday Pop-pop!
Today's run was pretty good, it didn't feel like it was going to quickly but was fine once I was done. Thanks to Kirst's Ipod!!!! Today is a hard day it is my Pop-pop's birthday and I miss him very much! So I ran in West Grove near my grandparents old house. I am going to go swimming since I have off today. I have to work all weekend but have off Monday and Tuesday and going away those few days that will be a nice break, that is needed!!! I am pleased with my run today! Good pace!!!! "Training" numero 12: 1:24:21, with an average pace of 8:24 so that is pretty good I think my best 10 miler so far! Next week I up it to 12, that will be the most I have ever run, but I am sure I will be fine!! I am off to enjoy this day!
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